Sunday, August 31, 2008


Surviving in the City — Additional Insight

by Christopher Parrett


While we all want to do our best to prepare for a coming crisis, and many of us realize the city is perhaps the worst place to live, very few people are really prepared to pack up the old Winnebago and head for the hills. Most Americans, whether they're aware or not, are going to stay in the cities.

This is not a hasty decision for most people. Most of us depend on the city for our livelihood, and we can be better prepared by continuing to live in the city, earn a good income, and make preparations for exiting the city at the appropriate time or by staying in the city and living off existing supplies.

This special report explains some of the most critical dangers of living in a city and presents some solutions to surviving them. If you are one of the people who has decided to stay in the city, you'll benefit greatly from this information.


Every city is an artificial construct. Cities formed as people came together to conduct business, participate in social interaction, and benefit from efficiencies in public services (such as schools, sewers, water, etc.) and a common defense. Yet cities cannot survive alone. They need resources from the country; most notably, food, water and electricity. While electricity and water can sometimes be created or found within city limits, the acreage requirements of food dictate that no city could possibly feed its own people.

Read that last phrase carefully: No city can feed its own people. Not one. Cities are, by their very nature, dependent on the importation of food. The advent of just-in-time delivery systems to our grocery stores means that most cities would run out of food within a week if supplies were for some reason disrupted.

Remember, cities are not self-sufficient. Although they may seem to be in 2005, they have for a long time been entirely dependent on the American farmer for their support, something almost all Americans take for granted (except the farmer, of course.)


The city presents some serious risks during a crisis. The four most serious ones are:
1. the collapse of social order (riots),
2. the failure of the water treatment and delivery systems,
3. the depletion of food supplies and
4. the failure of the power grid.

While not every situation will appear in every city, every situation will most certainly appear in some cities. Will that include yours? We’ll tackle these one at a time:

1. The Collapse of Social Order
“Social order” is a delicate thing, and it exists as a psychological barrier that could easily collapse under the right conditions. We all saw this during the L. A. Riots following the Rodney King trial verdict as citizens of L. A. set fire to their own town, yanked people from vehicles and beat them literally to death, and even fired guns at firemen attempting to save their buildings! More recently we were all witness to the looting, violence and total breakdown of society following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

What allowed this to happen? Simple: the simultaneous melting away of the psychological barrier of “order.” Once people realized 911 couldn’t handle the load, or was offline, that the local police were helpless or had simply abandoned their posts, “Law and Order” ceased to exist in their minds. They then conducted their lives in the way they always wanted to, but couldn’t because of the police. That is, they ran out to the local stores and just took whatever they wanted (looting). They took our their racial frustration on innocent victims who happened to be driving through the area, and they let loose on a path of destruction that only stopped when men with rifles (the National Guard) were called in to settle things down. In other words, only the threat of immediate death stopped the looting and violence. Rifles work wonders.

Imagine store owners lying prone on the roofs of their stores with AK-47's, firing at anyone who approached. This is exactly what happened in Los Angeles. But worse, imagine the lawless horde firing at the rescue copters trying to bring in supplies to the desperate masses.

The National Guard eventually got things under control. This event was isolated, however, to one city. Imagine a hundred cities experiencing the same thing. Will the National Guard be able to handle the load? Not likely. What about local police? They aren’t fools; if things look bad enough, they’ll grab their families and head for the hills, just like they did in New Orleans. No pension is worth getting killed for. A few U. S. cities could be transformed into literal war zones overnight. It would require all-out martial law and military force to have any chance whatsoever of bringing order to these streets. And the reality is that there are not enough military in the USA to secure all of the cities if this happens.

This collapse of social order is perhaps the greatest risk of staying in the city during a crisis. What, exactly, would cause this collapse of social order? Lack of three things: food, water, and money. When people run out of food, some will begin ransacking their neighborhood, searching for something to eat. (Remember that in a city, a “neighbor” does not mean the same thing as a “neighbor” in the country. They are not necessarily your friends.) It won’t take long, then, for violence to take over in some cities. While certain regions will certainly manage to keep things under control and people will form lines at the local (depleted) Red Cross shelter, other cities will see an explosion of violence. Imagine the gang-infested regions of L. A., Chicago, New York, St. Louis & New Orleans. Do you think those people are going to stand in line and wait? They already have guns; now they finally get to use them. Pent-up racial tensions & hostilities will simply serve as justification for shooting people of the same or other color in order to get their food.

Even if the food somehow gets into the cities, lack of money (due to the government not sending out checks) could cause the same thing. Eventually, lack of money results in looting and mass theft. As the stealing balloons, it also results in a collapse of social order. Water; the same thing (but faster). The collapse of social order is also very dangerous because it doesn’t require any “actual” collapse of the power grid, telecommunications, transportation or banking. Social order is a psychological artifact. It is a frame of mind, and any global panic can quickly remove the mental barrier that right now keeps people basically “lawful.”


Will the water treatment facilities fail during a crisis? Many will. Some won’t. The problem lies in figuring out whether yours will. Certainly, they depend on electricity, and testing conducted on some plants has already revealed weaknesses in the system.

In one such test, the water treatment plant released a fatal dose of fluoride into the water system when tested. The computers thought they were 99 years behind in releasing minute doses of fluoride, so they made up the difference. If you happened to be downstream, drinking that water, you were dead. Fluoride, no matter what misinformed dentists tell you, is actually a fatal poison. A major crisis likely to demonstrate this fact in more than one city.

The most important question here, though, is about what will happen when the water stops flowing (or if it is flowing, but it’s not drinkable). As you are probably aware, while people can live without food for long periods of time (2-3 weeks), water is needed on a daily basis. You can go 2-3 days without it, at most, but beyond that, you'll quickly turn to dust.

That means people will do anything to get water, because to not have it means death. And guess where it’s going to be the most difficult to actually get water? You guessed it: in the cities. During the first day of the water crisis, many people still won't figure out what's going on. They’ll figure it’s a temporary breakage of a water main and the government will get it fixed within hours. As those hours stretch into the next day, these people will get very worried.

By the second day, more and more people will realize the water isn't coming. At that point, you could easily see a breakdown of social order, as described in the previous section (as you can see, these things all tend to cause each other.). People will begin their “search for water,” and the first place they’re likely to go is where they always go for liquids: the grocery store, the local Wal-Mart, the 7-11. The shelves will be cleaned out rather quickly.

Beyond that (because those liquids aren’t going to last long), you're going to see people engaged in a mass-exodus from the cities. They’ll take the gas they have left in their tanks and they'll leave the city in search of water. Some will go to “Grandma’s house” out in the country where they might at least find a pond or stream to drink from. Others will simply go on an expanded looting mission, stopping at any house they see and asking the residents (with a gun in their face, likely) if they have any water to “donate.”

As a result of all this, if water stops flowing, here are the events you can expect to see in some of the worse-off cities:
* Looting of all the grocery stores by the second or third day (remember New Orleans?)
* Minor outbreaks of violence during the looting. Shop owners, for example, may attempt to defend their shops with firearms (ala L. A. Riots)
* Mass exodus of residents from the city in search of water
* Ransacking of any houses or farms within a gas-tank radius of the city, presumably by desperate people with guns
* Mass traffic jams on the outbound highways as people run out of gas and abandon their vehicles (if bad enough, this could actually block the highways and trap people in the cities) (Remember Hurricane Rita?)
* Mass outbreak of water-borne diseases as people use streams and rivers as both a water fountain and a bathroom. People crapping upstream are going to infect the people drinking downstream. Very few have any kind of water filtration device. That last point is really critical. Once the water flow stops, disease is going to strike.


The food supplies will likely dwindle quickly as we approach a possible crisis due to people stocking up just in case. Once the crisis actually hits, expect to see breakdowns in the transportation sector that will result in major delays in food delivery. This means food may arrive in sporadic fashion in some cities (if at all).

Once this happens, food suddenly becomes really valuable to people (even though they take it for granted today). And that means any small shipment of food that arrives will be quickly grabbed and eaten or stored. It only takes one week without food to remind people how much they actually need it, so expect the atmosphere to be that of a “near panic” if food is delayed by as little as three days. The level of panic will vary from city to city. Some cities or towns may experience very little difficulty receiving food. Others may face near-starvation circumstances.

Remember, the cities depend entirely on food shipped in from the farms and food processing companies. Also, note that if there’s a water problem as mentioned in the previous section, and the mass exodus begins, the highways may be jammed up at critical locations, causing gridlock for the trucking industry. If we're lucky, some trucks will continue to roll. If we’re not, assume that nothing gets through.

A shortage of food ultimately results in the same behavior as a shortage of water. First, people eat what’s in the pantry, then they loot the grocery stores. After that, with all local supplies depleted and no hope on the horizon, they leave the city and start ransacking nearby homes. Some will hunt in nearby forests, but most city-dwellers don’t know how to hunt. In any case, anyone with the means to leave the city will likely do so soon after their food shortage begins.


Nothing is as suddenly obvious nor has such a gigantic psychological impact as the failure of the power grid. When the electricity stops, almost everybody knows it at the same instant (unless it happens at night).

Naturally, during the first few hours of the power failure, if it occurs, people will assume it’s a temporary situation. Maybe a tree fell on some power lines, or perhaps a transformer blew up somewhere nearby. They'll sit tight and wait for the power to come back on.

What if it doesn’t? Then the city faces a severe problem. Without power, obviously, everything shuts down. Within hours, the looting begins in the more crime-ridden cities (we saw this in New York a few decades ago.). The longer the power stays off, the worse the social disorder.

The loss of power will bring the entire city to a halt. While vehicles may get around for a few more days (using whatever fuel they have left), businesses obviously won't be operating. Houses that depend on electricity for heat will quickly reach Winter temperatures, freezing many occupants to death. While those that depend on electricity for Air Conditioning will just as quickly reach Summer temperatures, resulting in death from heat stroke. Hospitals and police stations may have generators on hand, with a few days worth of fuel, but in short order, that will be depleted, too.

But the water treatment plant will almost certainly be off-line without power, causing all the events mentioned in the water section, above. Let's face it, the power is the worst thing to be without in the city. If you have power, you can survive a food shortage, perhaps even a short water shortage. But without power, all bets are off. If you have a “bug-out” vehicle stocked and ready to go (see below), this might be the time to bail.


Okay, so you're stuck in the city. You’ve made the decision to stay. You’ve read the problems above, you believe they make sense, and you’re intelligently frightened. What now? You really have two strategies. You can:
* Stay and defend your house
* Bug out (leave the city and head for the hills)

Important! This is not an either/or situation. You can begin by staying in your house and assessing the situation. You'll want to have a “bug-out” vehicle stocked and ready, just in case, if you can afford one, but you may never actually choose to bug out. You’ll have to be the ultimate judge of this. Just remember that when you bug out, you face major risks and disadvantages. Among these:
1. You're severely limited in how much you can carry -
2. You have limited range due to fuel -
3. You expose yourself to social chaos, roadblocks, random violence, etc. -
4. Your house will certainly be looted while you're gone -
5. You run the risk of mechanical breakdowns of your vehicle -
6. You must have a place to go that you know is in better shape than where you currently are.

In general, unless you have a specific, known safe place as your final destination, I don't advise people to bug out. Just “heading for the hills” is a very poor plan. You might not make it. But heading for Grandma’s house or some known, safe place could be a very good plan indeed, depending on whether Grandma is ready, willing and able to accept you!

For these reasons (and more), staying and defending your house is sometimes the only reasonable course of action, even if it seems dangerous. For the most part, looters and people looking for food are going to have plenty of easy victims, so if you show a little willingness to use force to defend your property, you’ll likely send people on to the next house.

That is, until the next house is already empty and you appear to be the last house on the block with any food and water left. If you're in a bad enough area, your neighbors may “gang up” on you and demand your supplies or your life. This is truly a worst-case scenario, and unless you literally have a house full of battle rifles and people trained to use them (and the willingness to shoot your neighbors), you’re sunk. This is why the best situation by far is to keep your neighbors informed and help them get prepared. Then you (both your member and non-member neighbors) can act as a group, defending your neighborhood and sharing the supplies you have with anyone willing to help defend you.

When you have this kind of situation going, your neighbors realize you are their lifeline. You supply them with food and water, and they will help support you because they are, in effect, supporting their own lives. The best situation is when your neighbors and other ward members have their own food and water supplies. That way, they aren’t depleting yours, and they have a strong motivation for getting together with you defend your neighborhood. (More on this below.)


Storing food is just as important in the city as in the country, but hiding it is far more important. That’s because in the worst areas, marauders will be going from house to house, demanding your food or your life. If you're dumb enough to put everything you own in the obvious places, you might as well not buy it in the first place. They will find it. To count on having any amount of food left over after the marauders break in, you'll need to hide your food.

One alternative is to plan on defending your home with force. If you have enough gun-wise people in the house, and enough firearms and ammo, you can probably pull this off. But most of us aren’t nearly as experience with firearms as the gang members. A better alternative might be to plan on bringing you supplies to your ward/stake building where all of the Saints can both pool and defend their resources. This of course will depend greatly on your local Bishop and Stake President.

Back to hiding: the best way to hide your food is to bury it. You’ll need airtight containers, long-term food that won't rot and you’ll need to plan ahead. Bury your food at night so nobody will notice, and make sure you don’t leave the map on the refrigerator door! (Better to memorize it!) Try to get the ground to look normal after you're all finished. You’ll want to bury your food as early as possible because it gives the grass time to regroup over the spot. If you’re in an area that snows, you’ll have a great concealment blanket! Most food marauders won't go to the trouble to dig up food, especially if you insist you don't have any.

Best plan: Have some smaller amount of food stashed around the house, letting them find something. Better to give them something and send them on their way. The art of hiding your food is an ancient one. You've got to get creative. Use the walls, the floors, and the structure of the house.

If hiding your food is simply not an available alternative, then try not to advertise it. Keep it put away in your house or garage in as discreet a manner as possible. Don’t make a point of telling people that you have a years supply (or more). Word gets around fast that Bro. Jones has a ton of food in his garage. Boxes of food fit nicely under beds, behind furniture, in the attic, etc.. Be Creative!!

To sum up the food storage, you really have three strategies here:
* Store it all in your house and plan on defending it by force.
* Bury it in your yard in case you get overrun by looters.
* Store part of it in your house, and hide the bulk of it.
* Relocate all of it as soon as you recognize a major disaster is in progress

One of the best ways to store food for burying, although it will only last 2-3 years in high-humidity areas, is to purchase 55-gallon good-grade steel drums. You can get them from: Memphis Drum Service, 3299 Tulane, Memphis, Tennessee 38116 (901) 396-6484; (800) 960-3786) The drums are only $16.50, but shipping them is around $30 each. Once you obtain the drums, dump in your grains or other food items. If you purchase bags of food from Walton Feed, this is the perfect way to store it. Don't leave it in the bags unless you're actively eating it. [Note: Plastic barrels do not rust.]

Then sprinkle some diatomaceous earth into the drum. You'll need about two cups to treat a 55-gallon drum, and it must be mixed in well. Diatomaceous earth is made from ground up sea shells, and it kills bugs by getting into their joints. You can get some from: Perma-Guard, Inc. 115 Rio Bravo S. E. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105 (505) 873-3061

This diatomaceous earth is food grade, and on the bag it says, “Fossil Shell Flour.” Their prices are one pound, $4.90; 2 lb., $8.05; 5 lb., 14.70, 10 lb., $18.00; 50 lb., $24.95.

Once you get these drums filled and sealed, you can then bury them in your yard. This is actually a HUGE UNDERTAKING and is a LOT more difficult than it sounds, since you’ll need to dig to a depth of around 5 or 6 feet in order to sufficiently bury these drums. You’re likely to attract a lot of attention unless you do it at night, and you’ll definitely be removing a lot of dirt that you’ll need to find some use for. Because the drums are steel, they will also deteriorate unless you line the outside with plastic (a good idea) and treat the drums with some kind of protectant or oil. (Don't use WD-40.) Even Vaseline would work well, although you would definitely need a lot to coat a 55-gallon drum.

When you’re all done, you should have your protected grains in 55-gallon drums, buried in your yard and protected against the humidity of the surrounding earth. It’s a big effort, but then again, the food inside may save your life. You’ll find it much more efficient to bury several barrels at once; side by side.

In reality it would be faster and easier to simply build a false wall in your garage and seal up your food behind the false wall. Sure, you might loose 2-3 feet of useable space in your garage, but the tradeoff is knowing everything is safe and sound.


Water can be stored in exactly the same way, although you might want to bury the barrel before you actually fill it with water. Make sure you treat your storage water, rotate it or have filters on hand when you get ready to use it.

If you don’t have a yard, or it's not practical to bury your water, you’ll have to store water inside your house. This can get very tricky because water takes up a lot of space and it's very difficult to conceal. It’s best to get containers made for long-term storage, but in a pinch, you can use almost any container: soda bottles, milk jugs (although it's very difficult to rinse the milk out), and even rinsed bleach bottles (in that case, you won’t need to add bleach). But a lot of these containers will deteriorate quickly, and they may break easily. Also, consider what happens if your water may be subjected to freezing. Will your containers survive? Be sure to leave enough air space to handle the expansion.

In order to prepare yourself for the water shortage, assuming you’re going to stay in the city, stock at least six months of water at a minimum two gallons a day per person. That’s nearly 400 gallons of water if you have two people.

Of course, even with the best in-house preparations, you may find yourself depleted of water supplies. In this situation, one of your best defenses is to have a really good water filter (like the Katadyn filter) that can remove parasites and bacteria from the water. You can also treat your water in other ways (iodine, distillation, silver solution, bleach, etc.). Armed with these items, you can safely use stream or river water (or even pond water) for drinking.


By far, the best solution for obtaining long-term water supplies is to drill a well. Buy the best-quality hand-pump available (cast-iron pumps available from Lehman’s) and a good cylinder. They will last a lifetime if installed properly. With this setup, you'll have a near-unlimited supply of water.

The total cost of doing this, depending on where you live, ranges from about $4000 - $6000. Is it worth it? If you’ve got the money, I think so. However, many cities simply don’t allow the drilling of wells, so you may not be able to get one drilled even if you want to.

The deeper your well, the more expensive it gets. Most well drilling companies charge by the foot. When water is deeper, you also need a bigger pump and a more powerful cylinder, so the costs tend to really grow the deeper you go. If you can find water at 20', you’re very lucky and it might not cost you even $2000. If you have to go down to 200', it might cost you $7500, and you’re at the depth limit of hand-powered pumps anyway.

HOLLY DEYO NOTE: As point of reference, the general cost of well digging in Colorado as of March 2007, runs $20/foot. This can be a very expensive venture if water is located deeply or worse yet, the drill hole comes up dry. Additionally, in Colorado, you may not drill a well on your property unless you own at least a 35-acre plot or, there is no public water supply available. Both the cost and conditions when you may be allowed to drill can vary throughout the U.S. (and abroad), so be sure to check before counting on being able to do so.


Let’s talk about force. No doubt, there are plenty of nice people in this country, and I think that in small towns and rural areas, people are going to find ways to cooperate and get along. I also think, however, that some cities will suffer complete social breakdown and violence will rule. If you happen to be stuck in one of these cities, you’re going to need to use force to defend your house. The section that follows discusses what I consider to be extreme responses to violence in the most dire situations. Hopefully, you won't find yourself in these circumstances, but if you do, the information below may be valuable.

Important: Do not use your lights at night. If you are stocking propane-powered lanterns, solar-powered flashlights, or other unusual supplies, using them at night will announce to everyone within line of sight that you have more than the “usual” supplies. Expect them to come knocking in your door. At most, let a fire burn in the fireplace, but in general, avoid drawing attention to your house.

Defending your house is a crucial element on your stay-in-the-city plan. Make your house your fortress, and hold drills to help other family members practice some of the more common activities such as hiding, defending, evacuating, etc. Some useful items for home defense include:
* A guard dog
* Pepper spray
* Firearms
* Smoke bombs (military-grade)
* Trip wires

Let's go over these: The guard dog is certainly a welcome addition to any family trying to defend their house. Although he probably eats a lot of food, the investment is worth if. Dogs also tend to sleep light, so let them sleep right next to the food storage areas, and make sure you sleep within earshot. If the dog barks, don't consider it an annoyance, consider it an INTRUSION.

Pepper spray is a great alternative to the firearm. It will incapacitate people and certainly give them a painful experience to remember. On the downside (potentially), it might just remind them that next time they come back for food, they better kill you first. So understand the limitations of pepper spray.

Firearms are useful for obvious reasons. In the worst-case scenario, when looting is rampant, you may have to actually shoot someone to protect yourself or your family. If you’re squeamish about pulling the trigger under these circumstances, don't plan to stay in the city. Use the “bug out” plan instead.

Smoke bombs can be useful for covering a planned escape from your house. You can purchase high-volume smoke bombs that will quickly fill up any house with an unbreathable cloud of military-grade white smoke.

Trip wires are great perimeter defenses. You can buy them from Cheaper Than Dirt (they run a few hundred dollars). They will give you early warning if someone is approaching. You can connect the tripwires to flares, shotgun shells, light sticks or other warning devices. This way, you can have an audible or visible alert, your choice.

In addition to these devices, you can make significant fortification-style improvements to your home. While none of these are very affordable, they certainly help defend your home:
* Replace glass windows with non-breakable Plexiglas
* Add steel bars to the windows
* Replace all outside door locks with heavy-duty deadbolts
* Replace all outside doors with steel doors, preferably without windows
* Remove bushes and other shrubs where people might hide
* Black out the windows entirely to avoid light escaping at night (similar to what residents of London did during the WWII bombing raids)
* Build secret hiding places for food, coins, or even people
* Create escape hatches or passageways
* Rig pepper-spray booby traps

These aren’t as absurd as they might at first sound. Many people living in rough cities already have steel bars covering their windows, and removing extra bushes and shrubs is a well-known tactic for making your home a safer place.


To light your home when there’s no electricity, try the following:
* Use LED flashlights and rechargeable solar-charged batteries. You can buy all these items from the Real Goods catalog
* Use propane-powered lanterns. You can find these in the camping section of your local Wal-Mart. Be sure to purchase extra mantles and store lots of propane.
* Purchase quality oil lamps from Lehman’s and stock up on oil. You can also purchase cheap kerosene lamps from the Sportsman's Guide or Wal-Mart, then simply purchase and store extra kerosene.
* Buy extra candles.
* Purchase lots of olive oil. Not only can you cook with it (and besides, it’s a lot healthier than corn or vegetable oil), olive oil also burns as a clean candle fuel. You can float a wick in a jar half-full of olive oil and light the wick. Viola, a home-made candle. Olive oil is a fantastic item for your storage anyway because even if you purchase all the grains in the world, you’ll still need cooking oil, and you obviously can’t buy powdered cooking oil. Well-stored olive oil can last for thousands of years.


Did you know that people won't steal giant logs? Although they may easily steal wood you've already chopped, most people won't have any way of stealing logs. They’re too heavy, and the vehicles won't have any gas left. For this reason, your best bet in regards to stocking fuel for your house is to stock up on UNCUT wood logs.

It takes a lot of extra research to find out how to get them (took me a few weeks of asking around), but you can find a source if you look hard enough. Or you can usually get a permit to go out and cut your own. The effort is worth it, because this will give you a ready-to-go source of heat and fuel that cannot be easily stolen.

The catch, of course, is that you'll need equipment to cut and chop the wood. A chainsaw is REALLY nice in this way, but it requires fuel. Fortunately, chain saws don’t use much fuel, so if you have a way to store as little as 50 gallons or so, you've got enough to power your chainsaw for a few years (at least!). You'll need fuel stabilizers, too, which you can buy at your local Wal-Mart. (Be sure to buy extra chains for your chainsaw, too.)

You’ll also need splitting hardware. You can buy log splitters or just buy an axe, a wedge, and a sledgehammer. Better yet, buy all four so you have a choice of what to use. And remember, wood splits much better when it’s frozen, too, so you might just wait until the cold hits in Winter to start splitting your wood. Only split a little at a time, because you don’t want to end up with a big pile of nicely-split wood sitting out in your yard. It will invite theft from people who don't have any. If you already have trees on your property, you're all set. Cut down about 4-5 cords right now, so they can start drying out, then chop them as you need them.

A “cord” of wood, by the way, is a volume measurement. It’s 8' x 4' x 4', or 128 cubic feet of wood (stacked). Some people that sell wood will try to rip you off, so make sure you know what you're buying. If you purchase logs, it’s better to get a price per linear foot, based on the diameter of the log. For example, you might ask for logs that are an average of 10" in diameter, and you’ll ask how much the charge per linear foot would be. Something in the range of $1 - $2 would be great.


I’ve already mentioned the importance of getting along with your neighbors. It really is crucial to your city-based survival plan. The best situation to be in, as mentioned before, is to have neighbors & other church members who are aware of the issue and who are getting ready for it by stocking their own food, water, and other supplies. Every neighbor & member that becomes self-reliant is one less neighbor or member you’ll have to support.

The range of neighbor situations, from best to worst, is as follows:
* Best case: your neighbor is current Recommend holder, is aware of and both temporally & Spiritually prepared for an emergency with their own supplies and training.
* Good case: your neighbor is aware of a potential crisis, and even though they don't have their own supplies, they’re willing to help defend yours as long as you share
* Bad case: your neighbor is a non-member that didn’t prepare for it, figuring they would just steal from you if things got bad. They are aware of YOUR supplies but don’t have their own.
* Worst case: your neighbor isn’t aware of anything, he is anti-mormon and he’s a violent, angry neighbor just released from prison. He is going to be caught off guard by the ensuing events and will likely attempt to use violence to get what he needs or wants.

Your decision on whether to stay in the city may depend greatly on the quality and quantity of your neighbors. If you do live in a bad neighborhood, do what you can to relocate. If you live in a good neighborhood, do the best you can to educate and inform your neighbors. This might well be the most important missionary work you ever do for your own temporal salvation!


No matter how you felt or thought about gun control in the past, it’s time to face disaster-induced reality. The gun-control politicians (and the people who supported them) have placed Americans in a situation where not only can the police not protect us in a timely manner, but we cannot lawfully defend ourselves. Criminals unlawfully have firearms; citizens lawfully don't. Intentionally or otherwise, gun-control supporters have created a situation where an unfortunate number of innocent men, women and children are going to be in danger during a crisis simply because they could not obtain the tools of self-defense.

It also happens that the cities where the rioting will likely be the worst are precisely the cities where firearms are most likely to be banned from lawful ownership (and where criminals may wield near-absolute power for a while.). Perhaps when society recovers from it, we can review the fallacy in the cause / effect logic that keeps people voting for gun-control laws, but in the mean time, millions of people are going to have to resort to breaking the law in order to protect their families. And yes, you too will have to resort to breaking the law if you are to acquire a firearm in an area where guns are entirely banned from private citizens (like New York, Los Angeles, etc.).

After the disaster hits, if the rioting gets really bad, we're going to see local police begging law-abiding citizens for help. Your firearm will be a welcome addition to the force of law and order, believe me. No local cop is going to mind you having a handgun if you're manning a roadblock protecting a neighborhood of families with children. Act responsibly, tell them what you're doing, and they'll probably give you a big thanks. But if you're carrying a gun while you smash a window of the Wal-Mart and walk off with a stereo; well that's a different story. Be prepare to get shot.

See, cops don't mind private ownership nearly as much as we've all been led to believe. I know, I work with law enforcement officers in a small town, and I ask them about topics like this. When the crisis hits, they'll be more than happy to have your cooperation. We're all going to need as many law-abiding gun-toting citizens as possible in order to fend off the criminals and establish some degree of order.


If you really feel you need a firearm to protect yourself and your family, your best bet may be to move to a city or state where people are a lot more accepting of firearms. You'd be surprised what a difference the locale makes. Check the gun laws in any state you're considering moving to. Obviously, “cowboy” states like Arizona, Texas and Wyoming will have fewer restrictions on firearms (and, interestingly, they have less of a problem with gun violence). States where the population is more dense (like California & New York) tend to have much greater restrictions on private ownership of firearms.


Suppose it’s July 14, 2006, and you’ve changed your mind about this city thing. You happened to be right smack in the middle of one of the worst-hit cities in the country. The looting is getting worse, the power has been out for two weeks, and your water supplies are running low. You still have enough gas in your truck to make it out of town if you can get past the gangs, that is. You’ve decided to BUG OUT!


* Don’t try to bug out in a Chevy Geo. You will likely need a big heavy 4x4 truck in order to go off-road and around stalled vehicles
* Get something that can carry at least 1000 pounds of supplies. A big 4x4 pickup will do nicely! Yes, it requires more fuel, but you can carry the fuel as cargo.
* Don’t bug out unless you can have someone ride shotgun, literally. You will need an armed passenger in case you run into not-so-nice people


Ahh, the bug-out supply list. All this will fit in your truck. Here’s what you should take if you’re preparing to bug out with two people:
* Your 96 hour kits for each person in the vehicle
* 20 gallons of water
* 40 gallons of extra fuel or more (and a full gas tank)


As mentioned earlier, if you have a designated place of refuge (Grandma’s house, a cabin in the woods, etc.), head straight for it. If not, you’re basically driving anywhere you can go, so try to head for an area that forested and near a creek or river where you can get some water.


Choosing to remain in the city is a rational choice for many people in many situations. However, as you have seen from the dangers described here, the further away you can get from the population centers in general, the better your chances of surviving.

Most people, perhaps yourself included, have a difficult time actually accepting that a major disaster is going to be as bad as described in this report. And after all, if you leave the city, sell out, quit your job, move to the country, and then nothing bad happens? You will have disrupted your life, and you may find yourself broke, jobless, and homeless. You COULD assume it will be a mild event, which I suppose is also a credible possibility. In that case, surviving in the city will be quite feasible, especially if you have neighbors that can support your efforts and you don't live in a dangerous city with high racial tensions. However, the very nature of a major disaster means that if only one or two major infrastructure components goes down, the ripple effect will quickly create a much worse scenario. It seems there is very little room for “mild” effects unless they are miniscule. The most likely scenario at this point clearly points to massive disruptions, severe shortages in food and water, loss of power in some areas, and a breakdown of social order in certain areas where the population density is high.

But you can survive anything with good planning, an open mind, and plenty of practice. Why not start now?

Additional Insight

The article Surviving in the City is basically a good plan. I do have some comments that I wish to send along, particularly about the bug out phase of potential relief from chaos.

The assumption that people in the rural areas are going to be friendly and accept hoards of people from the cities is false. I live 15 miles as the crow flies from the closed metropolitan area of about 20,000 people. Only the disillusioned and stupid in this area will be across-the-board friendly. The assumption that the people in the rural areas are not as dangerous as people in the cities is also untrue.

Many rural areas have a large population of people who are at the poverty level. They control no land; do not have access to water wells; do not hunt and drive cheap run down automobiles. Most rural areas are saturated with meth heads and other drug users as well as a thick frosting of alcoholics. A certain group is on welfare and are dependents to a wealth redistribution system.

If you live in a rural area and want to stay isolated you can take positive actions.
Round up 10 to 15 vehicles that can be towed or run to a narrow spot on the state hi-way.
Place them across the road and burn them.... Or get a bulldozer and operator and push up a dirt bank across the road...

I once talked to a local crew of people in Montana while on vacation. They had a plan to block the roads at each end of the valley and stay isolated. This was 14 years I am not alone in these thoughts......

In a just in time mercantile starvation with overtones of diminished food supplies these people will be equally as dangerous or more so than the criminal city dweller.

You miss an important point in not telling people to bug out to state parks, public hunting areas and lakes. Soon the local ranger will not even attempt to enter these area to tell people to leave. He will be home taking care of his family.

You also miss out on the point of having people get proper maps. The DeLorme maps sold at Wal-Mart are very detailed.

You tell people to get a 4X4 pickup to drive around abandoned vehicles and make it across country. With a 1000+ lbs of gear in the rear your truck will be a wallowing hog off the road.

Cross-countrying is BS if you do not have a planned track...which you cannot get without a good map. You must also have more than a smattering of knowledge of microtopograpy to be able to drive across country. You will soon have that 4x4 bogged down in soft soil, wet areas or in a 2 foot deep cow path covered by grass.

I worked for 20 years as a District Conservationist with the Soil Conservation Service. I drove all over God's green earth in a 1/2 ton 2 wheel drive pickup in all kinds of weather and seldom if ever needed 4 wheel drive. Very seldom got stuck or high centered. I learned to read the topography and where to drive. You do not get this information and awareness by driving down a paved road to the local big box store. I recommend that you have a state wide DeLorme Map for every state that surrounds the state you live in.

You must understand the road system in the area that you live. They are not all the same. The Plains states have a section and township layout of roads. In most areas there are roads nearly every mile. It is possible to drive from 30 miles east of Denver clear to Salina, Kansas on dirt roads. Crossing or traveling down paved roads only a few miles in crossovers. I have done this twice in my life time. The Plains states have a network of roads that makes living in that area particularly favorable for some kind of bugout.

If you live in the hogback areas of steep hills snaking ridges your roads will follow the tops of the ridges. Crossovers are only at bridging points of the streams and rivers to the far ridge line. Your access potential is very limited to a few roads. Same thing applies to the mountains....highly restricted roads....death traps....

You do not talk about how to read maps which is critical. The DeLorme maps do not have contour lines on them, but I can look at them and visualize the topography in a very general fashion that most people cannot do. A GPS unit is going to do you less good than map skills if you cannot get from point A to point B just 1/2 mile away without getting stuck.

All land is cut through with rivers, creeks and streams. The stem river system in America is the Mississippi. From the eastern foot hills of the Rockies all the rivers flow east and south. The farther you go east and south from the mountains the bigger the stream valleys become. And the more difficult to cross. They become great barriers that compress traffic to certain roads between river systems. They are crossed north to south only on the bridges. Many counties have only 1 to 3 bridges crossing these rivers in a 30 to 40 mile area. You must have maps to show where the choke points are. All bridges are death traps that will be controlled by the local brigands with a BA in Beer and Meth.

An alternative: the railroad bridges...what say? Yes you can drive on the rails and you do not have to let out air from your tires. All you need is the guts to do across 1/4 to 1/2 mile of track high up... But you need to send someone to reconnoiter the other side with a radio to watch and listen for approaching trains. You cannot drive fast on the rails, 10 mph is about tops...but with a 1000+ lbs in the back you might have to go even slower. I have driven miles and miles of tracks even crossing the mighty Arkansas river bed on a bridge at Larned, Kansas...but my buddy's father was the railroad agent for that section of track and we knew exactly what the train schedules were all the time.

You need tools to travel across country. A chain saw to take down a tree. Or a manual bow saw. Leave the axes at home they are just weight. A good machete is better. Also critical to a tool kit is a set of bolt cutters. One 24" and one 36" to cut fence, chains on gates and padlocks. Fencing pliers, standard pliers and smaller set of wire cutters are essential.

Additional land surface information is available in the Natural Resource Service's soil surveys. They are free if you can get them to give you one as a non landowner in the county. They are a complete set of aerial photos of a county delineated with the soil types and their distribution on them. The are invaluable because the show nearly all of the local windmills and ponds. Water sources. And they show many of the agricultural access roads that snake through the private range and pasture lands.

You also need a good set of binoculars to see... reconnoiter by eye.....

A good 22 rifle and 10,000 rounds of ammo. So you find some of the local fellas with a BA in beer blocking your way... Get your rig in defilade and then pepper them from 1/4 to 1/3 mile away with 20 to 50 rounds of 22 ammo. Having never been shot at they will certainly try to get at least out of range when even a few bullets impact in their area. You will have registered your intent to not be messed with....

You must establish some rules for your defensive actions and stick to them. Mine are that if people are within 1/4 mile and are menacing with rifles, blocking a road and show intent to issue a power summons to you and your party, you shoot one of them center of mass with no warning whatsoever. Pick out the leader if you can. If you happen to have someone trip up on you unexpectedly and are under 20 to 30 yards you bring a weapon to bear on the person and give only one verbal warning [of your choice] and you then shoot in five seconds if they do not respond to your warning. No counting off seconds; you warn then shoot. If someone confronts you really close [under 10 yards], no warning you bring a weapon to bear and shoot. Execute the Mozambique drill, two in the chest and one in the head..

Think I am a bloodthirsty, but I am an ex-commissioned police officer and have dealt with the vermin of the planet. I have seen some of the third world up close and know just how animalistic humans can get when unfettered with a conscious and no moral restrictions....

Ugly is ugly but survival has no second place winners...... If you cannot win at the mind game you just as well stay home, wait for your fate to show up and pray....

JW, Oklahoma
USAF, retired
USDA, Soil Conservation Service, retired
US Dept of State, Peace Corps, Niger West Africa
Educator, USA public, private and reservation schools
Educator, Egyptian and Ecuadorian private American schools
NM Mounted Patrol, commissioned police officer
Minute Man Civil Defense Corps, April/October 2006 expeditionary unit to Columbus, NM
NRA member
Free American.. .. .. so far

Friday, August 29, 2008

WAR IN ISRAEL - IRAN - Read Your Bible

'Israel Reaches Strategic Decision on Iran'

29/08/2008 Israel will not agree to allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons and if the grains start running out in the proverbial egg timer, the Israeli government will not hesitate to take whatever means necessary to prevent Iran from achieving its nuclear goals, the government has recently decided in a special discussion, the Jerusalem Post reported on Friday quoting the Israeli daily Ma'ariv.

According to Ma'ariv, whether the United States and Western countries will succeed in toppling the Iranian regime diplomatically, through sanctions, or whether an American strike on Iran will eventually be decided upon, the Israeli government has put preparations for a separate, independent military strike by Israel in high gear.

So far, Israel has not received American authorization to use US-controlled Iraqi airspace, nor has the defense establishment been successful in securing the purchase of advanced US-made warplanes which could facilitate an Israeli strike.

The Americans have offered Israel permission to use a global early warning radar system, implying that the US is pushing Israel to settle for defensive measures only. The Jerusalem Post reported that because of Israel's lack of strategic depth, the Israeli government has consistently warned over the past years it will not settle for a 'wait and see' approach and retaliate in case of attack, but rather use preemption to prevent any risk of being hit in the first place.

Ephraim Sneh a veteran Labor MK which has left the party recently, has sent a document to both US presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama. The eight-point document states that "there is no government in Jerusalem that would ever reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran. When it is clear Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons, an Israeli military strike to prevent this will be seriously considered."

According to Ma'ariv, Sneh offered the two candidates the "sane, cheap and the only option that does not necessitate bloodshed." To prevent Iran's nuclear aspirations, Sneh wrote, "real" sanctions applied in concert by the US and Europe is necessary. The window of opportunity Sneh suggests is a year and a half to two years, until 2010.

Sneh also visited Switzerland and Austria last week in an attempt to lobby those two states. Both countries have announced massive long-term investments in Iranian gas and oil fields for the next decade

Hearing his hosts speak of their future investments, Sneh replied quietly "it's a shame, because Ido will light all this up." He was referring to Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan, the recently appointed commander of the Israeli Air Force and the man most likely to be the one to orchestrate Israel's attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, should this become the necessity, the JPost said.

"Investing in Iran in 2008," Sneh told his Austrian hosts, "is like investing in Krups Steelworks in 1938, it's a high risk investment." The Austrians, according to Sneh, turned pale.


Nahum Chapter 1

א מַשָּׂא, נִינְוֵה--סֵפֶר חֲזוֹן נַחוּם, הָאֶלְקֹשִׁי. 1 The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.
ב אֵל קַנּוֹא וְנֹקֵם יְהוָה, נֹקֵם יְהוָה וּבַעַל חֵמָה; נֹקֵם יְהוָה לְצָרָיו, וְנוֹטֵר הוּא לְאֹיְבָיו. 2 The LORD is a jealous and avenging God, the LORD avengeth and is full of wrath; the LORD taketh vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserveth wrath for His enemies.
ג יְהוָה, אֶרֶךְ אַפַּיִם וגדול- (וּגְדָל-) כֹּחַ, וְנַקֵּה, לֹא יְנַקֶּה; יְהוָה, בְּסוּפָה וּבִשְׂעָרָה דַּרְכּוֹ, וְעָנָן, אֲבַק רַגְלָיו. 3 The LORD is long-suffering, and great in power, and will by no means clear the guilty; the LORD, in the whirlwind and in the storm is His way, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.
ד גּוֹעֵר בַּיָּם וַיַּבְּשֵׁהוּ, וְכָל-הַנְּהָרוֹת הֶחֱרִיב; אֻמְלַל בָּשָׁן וְכַרְמֶל, וּפֶרַח לְבָנוֹן אֻמְלָל. 4 He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers; Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.
ה הָרִים רָעֲשׁוּ מִמֶּנּוּ, וְהַגְּבָעוֹת הִתְמֹגָגוּ; וַתִּשָּׂא הָאָרֶץ מִפָּנָיו, וְתֵבֵל וְכָל-יוֹשְׁבֵי בָהּ. 5 The mountains quake at Him, and the hills melt; and the earth is upheaved at His presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.
ו לִפְנֵי זַעְמוֹ מִי יַעֲמוֹד, וּמִי יָקוּם בַּחֲרוֹן אַפּוֹ; חֲמָתוֹ נִתְּכָה כָאֵשׁ, וְהַצֻּרִים נִתְּצוּ מִמֶּנּוּ. 6 Who can stand before His indignation? And who can abide in the fierceness of His anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken asunder before Him.
ז טוֹב יְהוָה, לְמָעוֹז בְּיוֹם צָרָה; וְיֹדֵעַ, חֹסֵי בוֹ. 7 The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that take refuge in Him.
ח וּבְשֶׁטֶף עֹבֵר, כָּלָה יַעֲשֶׂה מְקוֹמָהּ; וְאֹיְבָיו, יְרַדֶּף-חֹשֶׁךְ. 8 But with an overrunning flood He will make a full end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue His enemies.
ט מַה-תְּחַשְּׁבוּן, אֶל-יְהוָה--כָּלָה, הוּא עֹשֶׂה; לֹא-תָקוּם פַּעֲמַיִם, צָרָה. 9 What do ye devise against the LORD? He will make a full end; trouble shall not rise up the second time.
י כִּי עַד-סִירִים סְבֻכִים, וּכְסָבְאָם סְבוּאִים; אֻכְּלוּ--כְּקַשׁ יָבֵשׁ, מָלֵא. 10 For though they be like tangled thorns, and be drunken according to their drink, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry.
יא מִמֵּךְ יָצָא, חֹשֵׁב עַל-יְהוָה רָעָה--יֹעֵץ, בְּלִיָּעַל. {ס} 11 Out of thee came he forth, that deviseth evil against the LORD, that counselleth wickedness. {S}
יב כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה, אִם-שְׁלֵמִים וְכֵן רַבִּים, וְכֵן נָגוֹזּוּ, וְעָבָר; וְעִנִּתִךְ--לֹא אֲעַנֵּךְ, עוֹד. 12 Thus saith the LORD: Though they be in full strength, and likewise many, even so shall they be cut down, and he shall pass away; and though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more.
יג וְעַתָּה, אֶשְׁבֹּר מֹטֵהוּ מֵעָלָיִךְ; וּמוֹסְרֹתַיִךְ, אֲנַתֵּק. 13 And now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.
יד וְצִוָּה עָלֶיךָ יְהוָה, לֹא-יִזָּרַע מִשִּׁמְךָ עוֹד; מִבֵּית אֱלֹהֶיךָ אַכְרִית פֶּסֶל וּמַסֵּכָה, אָשִׂים קִבְרֶךָ--כִּי קַלּוֹתָ. {פ} 14 And the LORD hath given commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown; out of the house of thy god will I cut off the graven image and the molten image; I will make thy grave; for thou art become worthless. {P}

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


"And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal."

Ezekiel 38:1-3
"And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the Lord."

Ezekiel 39:6

An historic event occurred in Jerusalem this January, an event chronicled widely in Israel's newspapers but omitted entirely by America's Zionist controlled and owned press. President George W. Bush, visiting the nation of Israel, was presented with a rabbinical decree, the Scroll of Bush. The Scroll declared that he, Bush, is none other than the prophesied Gog, of the land of Magog; that is, Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal.

Even as America's economic crisis grew deeper, with hundreds of thousands losing their homes due to mortgage foreclosures, the U.S. stock market sliding south, the U.S. dollar sinking like a rock against foreign currencies, and labor statistics showing unemployment rising as more and more American workers are laid off and manufacturing sent overseas, our President George W. Bush embarked on Air Force One on an eight day trip to Israel.

Yes, like bloody Roman Emperor Nero, who reportedly fiddled while Rome burned, a callous and indifferent George Bush left a desperate country and people gasping for breath to go to the Middle East and consult with his superiors—Zionist rabbinical overlords.

Arriving on 666, a Prophetically Appropriate Date

He arrived in Jerusalem 1/09/08, numerically translated in occult numerology as 666. On 1/11 (the 11th of January), he and Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, along with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, were taken down into the earth, inside Zedekiah's Cave, for a clandestine ritual and black mass conducted by the Grand Master of Israel's Freemasons. The same day, Bush visited Yad Vashem, Israel's version of the Holocaust Museum, where he stayed exactly 90 minutes, a number again translating into 666.

While in Jerusalem, President Bush and Prime Minister Olmert met with the press and referred to several key dates approaching. March 20th would signal the Jewish holy day of Purim, commemorating the mass murder and genocide by the Jews of more than 75,000 Gentile "enemies" of Persia (Iran) in the days of the Jews' Queen Esther. On May 8, Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary. Finally, President Bush predicted that by the end of his term in 2009 (2x9=18, translating again, into that number 666), there will be a peace treaty between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The treaty will insure that the Palestinians will forever be squeezed into their pitiful, apartheid, poverty-stricken ghettos, while the victorious Jews enjoy the fruits of their crimes, luxuriously living in an enlarged, Greater Israel.

But those things were not the most significant that happened during Bush's historic visit. No, that occurred on the third day when, at a banquet, President Bush was presented with the Scroll of Bush, a document made out on ancient parchment and signed by the three most spiritually prominent Jews on planet earth:

  • Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz, High Priest of the Sanhedrin
  • Rabbi Hhaim Richman, Chief Rabbi of the Holy Temple
  • Dr. Gadi Eschel, Chief Representative of The New Jewish Congress

The Scroll of Bush, the first page of which is pictured here, pompously claims to be promulgated, "In the Name of the Lord, Eternal God." Of course, this is not Jesus Christ, since the Jews

The Scroll of Bush identifying the U. S. President as the "esteemed Mr. George W. Bush, the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal (Ezekial 38:1) Leader of the West!" (Click to enlarge)
hate and despise Jesus Christ and brand him an illegitimate bastard and blasphemer in their Judaic Holy Law, the Talmud. Jesus himself said their "Lord" is, in fact, the Devil!

Bush Identified as Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal

The Scroll goes on to address Bush as, "The Honorable Mr. George W. Bush, President of the United States of America." Then, however, in a most shocking and prophetic manner, the Scroll of Bush, a document representing the entire Jewish nation both in Israel and dispersed throughout the world, a document composed by and authenticated by the highest religious rabbis on the planet, addressed Bush by yet another title:
"Esteemed Mr. George W. Bush, the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal (Ezekiel 38:1), Leader of the West!"

Oh my, oh my. This is an occult mystery of tremendous prophetic significance, one so incredibly deep and so stunningly revealing that I am offering to my friends this month an exhaustive 60-minute audiotape/CD investigative report, carefully and fully explaining what all this means (Gog, Magog, and the Scroll of Bush—Jewish Sanhedrin Honors President George W. Bush as "Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal" Tape or CD).

There can be no doubt that President Bush knows exactly why he holds the satanic title of "Gog, of the land of Magog," also known as Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal. The "Leader of the West," as the Rabbis also put it, "shall be incarnated and possessed by Satan himself in the last days. The Scriptures say he, as Chief Prince, "shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea" (Revelation 20:7-8).

President George W. Bush toasts Israeli Prime Minister Olmert during a visit to Jerusalem where Bush was presented the Scroll of Bush honoring him as Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal; That makes Bush "Gog, of the land of Magog."

"Magog" of Skull and Bones

The Tomb, the mausoleum-like dwelling of the 15 bonesmen chosen each year to become favored alumni of the Order of Skull and Bones. Both President George Bush, Sr. and his son, President George W. Bush, were initiated into this secret society. Each was given a secret name and Senior Bush’s name was Magog.
Decades ago, as George Bush, Sr., lay naked in a coffin, inside the bowels of the Tomb, the macabre, mausoleum residence of the Order of Skull and Bones, located next to the old town cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut, his fellows performed a hellish death ritual and raised George from his sarcophagus. They gave him, as they do all initiates, a new name. Hence more, George Herbert Walker Bush would secretly be known by the Brotherhood as "Magog."

Monday, August 25, 2008


Russian Mediterranean warships placed under Black Sea Fleet command

DEBKAfile Special Report

August 25, 2008, 2:58 PM (GMT+02:00)

Russian Navy chief Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky confers with Chief of Staff Gen. Nikolay Makarov

Russian Navy chief Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky confers with Chief of Staff Gen. Nikolay Makarov

The Russian Navy chief, Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky announced Sunday, Aug. 24, that its warships in the Mediterranean region have been placed under the command of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

At the same time, the American aircraft carrier, the Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group heading a six-vessel contingent set sail this week for the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf, with 6,000 sailors and marines aboard.

Then on Monday, the Russian general staff took the further step of announcing regular searches of all cargoes transiting the Georgian port of Poti.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report extreme concern in Israel’s military and navy. Washington and Jerusalem both regard the link-up of Russian naval operations in the two waters a further aggressive Russian step in the Cold War spreading out of Georgia to the Black Sea, the Ukraine, and other parts of the Caucasian region.

Moscow’s Black Sea Fleet headquarters at the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol will henceforth be in command of the flotilla to be deployed at the Syrian port of Tartus.

The Black Sea’s flagship, the Moskva missile cruiser, was accordingly detached Saturday, Aug. 23, from the Russian naval contingent heading for Syria and recalled to Sevastopol. Henceforth, the Moska will act as joint flagship for the Black Sea and Mediterranean fleets, linking to two under a single command.

Moscow’s announcement Monday that Russian forces would search cargoes transiting Poti underscored its determination to retain its grip on the strategic Black Sea port.

At the opposite end of the new Russian maritime chain, US and Israeli satellites have recently observed large dredgers operating at the Syrian port of Tartus. They are believed to be preparing the small Mediterranean port to serve as permanent base for large Russian naval vessels, such as the Admiral Kuznetsov – right opposite the US Sixth Fleet and in close proximity to Israeli waters and shores.

Boosting the US naval buildup in the region, Tuesday, Aug. 26, the USS Iwo Jima leaves Norfolk for the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf at the head of a large group which includes the USS San Antonio amphibious transport dock ship.

They will be joined Friday by the amphibious dock landing ship USS Carter Hall , the guided missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf and the guided missile destroyer USS Ramage . Another guided missile destroyer. the USS Roosevelt and the fast attack submarine USS Hartford will be part of the group.



The NATIONAL ENQUIRER’s exclusive ongoing investigation uncovers shocking new revelations about The John Edwards Scandal!

The day prior to Edwards bombshell admission to an affair on ABC’s Nightline, Rielle Hunter and her 6 month old daughter, Frances Quinn Hunter, were flown out of the US onboard a chartered Learjet.

The private flight cost $50,000 and was paid for by Edwards’ pals. The Hunters were the solo passengers aboard the eight-hour flight.

Destination: St. Croix in the Virgin Islands!

THE ENQUIRER tracked Rielle to St. Croix where our reporters discovered Rielle and the baby stayed in a luxurious oceanfront home owned by controversial trial lawyer Lee Rohn, another close friend of Edwards.

When visited by an ENQUIRER reporter on August 15, Rohn snapped a terse “No comment!” when questioned about Hunter.

Former Virgin Island Senator Anne Golden confirmed to THE ENQUIRER that “within 24 hours of their arrival that they were here and staying with Lee Rohn.”

After the ENQUIRER discovered Rielle’s hideaway with Rohn, she was moved to a motel on the island before returning to Santa Barbara on August 17 according to another source.

An ENQUIRER reporter then saw Rielle back in her California home, which is being paid for by Edwards’ former finance chairman Fred Baron.

And Rielle now has an off-duty police officer guarding her house.

None of this is paid for by Rielle. The money continues to come from Edwards’s network of loyal supporters, with no explanation from Edwards why he is having his friends continue to support Rielle now that the affair has been made public.

Edwards is not only aware of the hush money payoffs but orchestrated it with his team of former campaign advisors and now The ENQUIRER has discovered that a team of six more lawyers have been involved in the coverup and are funneling payments to Hunter, who has no money and no means of support.

The ENQUIRER has also learned that Hunter's own lawyer advised her to allow Edwards to take a paternity test but she refused out of misguided belief that Edwards will marry her after the death of his cancer-stricken wife Elizabeth.

The ENQUIRER’s continuing blockbuster investigation also reveals the disgraced ex-senator is still in constant communication with his mistress!

ALSO revealed in The ENQUIRER’s new issue are the shocking intimate details of the Edwards- Hunter Affair from First Encounter to numerous secret rendezvous even after Edwards admitted the affair to his wife Elizabeth!

A friend of Rielle’s told The ENQUIRER that when Edwards and Rielle met, “She wanted to pick him up. According to her, the chemistry was instant.

“They ended up sleeping together that night!”

Rielle told her friend that she was hired to shoot behind-the-scenes video for the Presidential campaign because Edwards wanted them to be together.

“A friend kidded her she was actually shooting ‘between-the-sheets’ videos!”

For Rielle’s Story, new details about the coverup, expert analysis of the Edwards/Love Child spy photo and exclusive pictures of baby Frances Quinn Hunter pick up the latest ENQUIRER on sale now!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


BOMBSHELL: Barack Obama Is Not a US Citizen, Not Eligible to be US President.

Birth Certificate Found in Kenya. Citizen of Kenya and Indonesia. Hawaiian Certificate Forged, Suit Alleges.

Republicans Can Hardly Wait for Dems to Take Obama Bait

Attorney Phil Berg speaks on his Federal Suit to Stop Obama, this week on Listen on Demand on World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley.

On Aug. 21st attorney Philip J. Berg requested a temporary restraining order in Federal Court against the nomination of Barack Obama, citing evidence that candidate Barack Obama is not a US citizen, and "the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated." See Berg's website, .

Berg argues that Barack Obama was born in Kenya in 1961 to an American woman, Stanley Ann Dunham, and a Kenyan man, Barack Hussein Obama Senior, as reportedly shown by a birth certificate from Mombasa Maternity Hospital and witnessed by Barack's relatives. According to the law at that time, a parent could pass US citizenship on to a child born abroad if the parent was at least 19 years old. Obama's mother was only 18.

No hospital birth certificate has been produced to prove Obama was born in Hawaii, only a certificate of birth registry after the fact, which forensics experts have denounced as a forgery. New photos of the certificate were posted on the Internet on Aug. 21st at, which is a project of the Annenberg Center, a longtime sponsor of Obama. It is quite suspicious in itself that the "facts" are not being "checked" by an independent source, and that only a short-form certificate without the name of the hospital is shown. Barack's mother could have flown from Kenya to Hawaii right after the birth, then reported that she had the child at home, in order to secure her son's US citizenship. The judge needs to subpoena Hawaiian officials to provide an original hospital report of birth.

Moreover, when Obama was six years old his mother remarried and moved with her husband to his country, Indonesia. Records indicate Obama was naturalized as an Indonesian citizen. Indonesia does not allow dual nationality, so even had he been born in Hawaii, he would have lost his citizenship then.

See for factual background of Berg's suit.

Even if Obama is able to provide a US birth certificate, a dozen more insurmountable scandals face this unelectable candidate, which the Republicans can hardly wait to unleash on him after he is nominated.

1. When Obama recently made an issue of the number of houses the McCains own, McCain shot back with much heavier artillery: Obama's friend Rezko is a convicted felon, sitting in jail. Obama is the candidate of Chicago corruption. His other cronies Auchi and Alsammare are also convicted felons who have stolen hundreds of millions from the Iraqi Provisional authority and from the government in Illinois. This has been detailed by investigative journalist Evelyn Pringle on opednews, and by Webster Tarpley in his forthcoming book, "Barack H. Obama: the Unauthorized Biography."

2. Obama has very close links to the convicted Weathermen terrorist bombers Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn. He shared board memberships with Ayres on the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. This and most of the following scandals are detailed in Tarpley's "Obama – The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate," released in June.

3 Obama is very close to the racist demagogues Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Otis Moss III, Hopkins, Meeks, and Pfleger.

4 Obama has been accused in Federal Court of using crack cocaine by Larry Sinclair, along with gay sex. The Obama camp retaliated by arresting Sinclair in an enemies list operation by Beau Biden, son of veep candidate Joe Biden.

5. The mysterious deaths of black gays in and around Wright's Church: Donald Young, Nate Spencer, Larry Bland could be linked to Obama.

6. Obama's relations to Chechen Terrorism through Ilyas Achmadov.

7. His relations to CIA-controlled Palestinian factions Khalidi and Abu Nimah.

8. The mysterious deaths of key Clinton delegates and floor leaders just before the convention: Bill Gwatney and Tubbs Jones.

9. The alleged Michelle Obama Hate Whitey tape.

10. Then of course there is the problem that Obama is a very weak candidate as regards appeal across the spectrum. In the primaries Obama was not able to carry any of the big Blue states that a Democrat has to win in the electoral college for the general election.

Obama is not able to appeal to the electorate on the issues, only on his personality. His attempt to appear populist fails since he is in fact the puppet of the right-wing Chicago School and revanchist Brzezinski faction. Instead of offering what the great majority of Americans want, peace abroad and fixing the economy at home, he will deliver increased austerity. The war in Georgia shows that the post-9/11 era has now ended with a new cold war against Russia, inspired by Obama's guru Brzezinski.

As Tarpley points out, Obama has never won a real election contest; his way has always been smoothed by engineered scandals.

But this time the scandals are set to go the other way.

The Democrat National Committee has to be certified insane if they nominate Obama. There is no way he can beat "war hero" McCain with a ton of dirty laundry like this around his neck.

And even that pales beside the blamage, the loss of face for the Democrats if they nominate a candidate who is not even a US citizen, thus giving the election by default to the Republicans. That would be the final insult to what is left of the two-party system.

By the way, John McCain was born outside the US, on a US military base in the Canal Zone, but an act of Congress in the 1930's accorded citizenship to all children born to US parents in the Canal Zone. In Barack Obama's case his citizenship hinges mainly on whether or not he was born in the US.


Tarpley's publisher, Progressive Press, is offering a free PDF file of Obama: The Postmodern Coup to all bloggers and book reviewers - especially before the nomination next week! Contact

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Obama dogged by claims of birth certificate forgery

Published: Friday August 22, 2008

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Smear campaigns against presidential hopeful Barack Obama have reached a new low as continued accusations -- and now a lawsuit -- claim the candidate is not a natural born US citizen.

A non-profit, national fact-checking organization concluded that "Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said."

An official from the Hawaii Health Department called speculation on his citizenship "pretty ridiculous."

But that hasn't prevented a prominent Philadelphia attorney and avowed Hillary Clinton supporter from filing a lawsuit against the candidate on grounds that he is constitutionally ineligible, America's reported.

The suit seeks to stop Obama from continuing his candidacy and to legally prohibit the Democratic National Convention next week from formally nominating him.

"I filed this action at this time to avoid the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated," said the attorney, Philip Berg, who is also a former gubernatorial and senatorial candidate for the Democratic party.

Attacks on Obama's eligibility to run for president include claims that his Hawaii birth certificate is a forgery, citing a black rectangle and the lack of an official state seal as evidence.

But those allegations were squashed when Annenberg Political Factcheck and the Hawaii Health Department both verified the document.

The health department has been denying nearly weekly requests for the original because -- like death, marriage and divorce documents -- birth certificates are only given out to relatives, The Honolulu Advertiser reported.

To help quell the rumors that Obama wasn't a US citizen, the Obama campaign posted a photo of the certificate on the campaign Web site as well as the Fight The Smears site, but for skeptics that didn't prove anything.

"They responded and apparently it isn't good enough that he posted his birth certificate," said Hawaii Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo. "They say they want it because they claim he is not a citizen of the United States. It's pretty ridiculous."

Jerome Corsi, author of Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, stated on Fox News that the birth certificate displayed on the candidate's Web site is a forgery, Media Matters for America reported.

"The campaign has a false, fake birth certificate posted on their website," Corsi said. "The original birth certificate of Obama has never been released, and the campaign refuses to release it."

When asked by co-host Steve Doocy why it certificate wasn't simply a "State of Hawaii-produced duplicate," Corsi replied:

"No, it's a -- there's been good analysis of it on the Internet, and it's been shown to have watermarks from Photoshop. It's a fake document that's on the website right now."

Annenberg Political Factcheck spent time with the original birth certificate, located at the Obama headquarters in Chicago, and debunked every argument against its authenticity and included photos taken of the document to prove its points.

The following video aired on Fox News on August 15.

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