John Farnam on the Ammo Shortage
July 12th, 2007 by Syd
The folks at Jensen Arms, the largest and best gun retailer in Northern Colorado, tell me that the only 223 ammunition they can currently get in quantity is Serbian-manufactured, and the UN, with the enthusiastic participation of our cadre of liberal politicians, is doing its best to dry up even that supply. Quality is fair, at least for practice shooting. All this, while major domestic manufacturers have all stopped taking orders indefinitely, even from police departments! What little 223 is available is high priced, but is being scooped up anyway. For the foreseeable future, we peons will only get what slips through the cracks of huge, in-progress Pentagon orders.
Accordingly, all of us should currently be hoarding ammunition, 223 and 308 particularly, at every opportunity! No telling when the Iraq/Iran situation will wind down, and demand for small-arms ammunition will significantly exceed supply until then. An “adequate” personal cache may become critically important in the wake of the next “big event,” whenever it happens!
Of small arms and small-arms ammunition, from a friend in the Philippines:
“UN policies, which all member nations are supposed to enforce, prohibit exportation of arms and ammunition to countries with ‘human-rights violations.’ As with most things at the UN, the exact definition of ‘human-rights violations’ doesn’t seem to exist! In fact, the list of nations without such violations doesn’t seem to exist either!
For us here in the Philippines, pistols, shotguns, and military rifles, as well as ammunition in nearly any caliber, are increasingly difficult to import. Many importers routinely wait a year or more to get shipments in. Our domestic arms industry is microscopic and altogether inadequate to equip even our own military.
Any nation seriously thinking about its own preparedness must develop and nurture a vigorous and healthy domestic defense industry. Nations unable to arm themselves internally will become hopelessly dependant upon other, not so friendly, nations when they need to equip their own soldiers and police.
Interesting, while the arms and ammunition industry is the USA is increasingly under brutal attack via impossibly burdensome regulations imposed by petty government employees at all levels, the arms industry in China, Russia, and all of Eastern Europe is thriving! They may want for many things, but rifles, pistols, shotguns, and ammunition are in ample supply!”
Comment: Yes, and when the USA’s arms and ammunition manufacturing capacity is destroyed completely, an often-stated goal of both our liberal politicians and the UN, this nation will be utterly dependant upon the tender mercy of Russians and Chinese, for the means we will desperately need to defend ourselves.
“We have met the enemy, and they are RIGHT!”