Good News or Bad? Local Gun Shop Jammed w/ Buyers
Wanted to share something I thought was relevant to recent discussions here on the economy.
My wife and I visited our local Gun shop over the weekend to purchase a hand gun for her. You couldn't believe how many people were in this store buying fireamrs! I shop regularly at this store for cheap ammunition to shoot at the range, so I am familiar with the traffic. This place was jammed. You could hardly get around each other at the counters and down the aisles. The tension was thick. People seemed tense. I was hyped up on coffee and feeling honery so I loudly proclaimed, "Everyone here must be worried about the Economy and riots in the streets!" I thought I was going to get kicked out. But everyone sighed in agreement; some even clapping their hands. I believe people are finally getting worried.
The title of my post asks the question, "is this a good thing or a bad thing?"
Everytime I have tried to talk to these types of people (shooting advocates; gun range people etc.), I can never seem to get past the Patriotic bullshit -- i.e., we must support our government; our government is our savior.
I am very glad that Americans own guns. I think this is the only thing that will save us. However.......I also worry that most Americans are so fooled, that those guns could be turned on people like me for suggesting that someone else is to blame for all of this mess. A particular range I shoot at has a paper target you can purchase with Osama as the target. This is the most popular target to shoot at!
I live in the South and I will tell you that I have not found one single person who doesn't believe in the propaganda. That is very troubling to me. My hope is to find others close with a like mind so that we can support one another. I really believe that at some point, we will all need to start reaching out and finding others with like minds, not just on the internet, but those who live near us. I have resisted this because it is so hard to trust anyone these days. But I do believe that the only way we will make it through all of this, is by sticking together.
I hope that my situation is not the norm. I hope that all of you are finding communities of like minded people. There is strength in numbers and 'they' seem to have the numbers right now.
I fear the worst; I plan for the worst, and hope for the best.
I would be interested to hear what others are experiencing around them. Sincerely.