Arab Muslim children celebrate the Islamic terrorist atrocity of September 11th
Frenzied Muslims desecrate an American flag -
One demonstrator tore at it with his teeth
Islam, the "religion of peace"
Israel's Arab Muslim terrorist "peace partners"
gather for a Hamas rally in Ramallah
An Arab Muslim terrorist in the Gaza District's Rafah "refugee" camp; an Arab Muslim terrorist fires at Israeli soldiers in the Jenin "refugee" camp
Saudi Muslim cleric Awadh al-Qarni opines on Iqraa (Saudi satellite) television that "America is behind all problems"
Dr. Ahmad Dwaidar, an Islamic cleric, looks forward on Muslim terrorist television to the day when "the White House will become the Muslim House"
Muslim Pakistan's army is for jihad, notes one recently retired, high-ranking Pakistani military commander - Lt. General Mohammed Nasir Akhtar told the press that "our religion says fight for jihad"
In laying out the George Bush "road map" to a new Holocaust, Condoleezza Rice recommended "affirmative action" General William Ward as America's "peacekeeper" in Israel - Ward previously commanded NATO's "stabilization force" in Bosnia, helping the Muslim terrorist nation to enlarge Islam's foothold in Europe
An Israeli soldier applied camouflage makeup during the fighting in Lebanon - He wore the knitted skullcap emblematic of the Jewish pioneer movement in Judea and Samaria; ironically, up to 50% of the soldiers in Israel's elite fighting units are Jewish pioneers slated for expulsion from their homes by the same treasonous government which ordered them to die uselessly in Lebanon. (There are only 250,000 Jewish pioneers in Judea and Samaria, a small percentage of Israel's 5 million Jews.)

A young female technician in the Israeli air force, and an Arab Muslim girl dressed as an Islamic suicide bomber - Commentators have spoken of the Israeli military's defeat in Lebanon as the "demystification of the IDF"
Deliberately wearing around his neck a kaffiah (Arab headdress) like the one which the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat wore as a symbol of Islamic jihad (holy war), Mahmoud Abbas has promised to destroy the "Zionist enemy"
PLO terrorist attacks continue unabated in Israel - A January 15, 2005 double suicide bombing at a Gaza District checkpoint, which murdered six Israeli border guards, was praised by PLO terrorist leader Mahmoud Abbas as the work of "martyrs" and "heroes"

PLO terrorist Sesame Street - In a recent installment of the PLO media indoctrination of Arab children to commit murderous acts of Islamic terrorist violence against helpless innocents, a puppet bird told its audience that they must use "AK-47 assault rifles" to show the world what Muslims think of Jews and all other non-Muslim "infidels." (The director of the PLO terrorist network (bottom l.), which is funded by U.S. and Israeli taxpayer dollars, defended the broadcast as Muslim "free speech."
The Jew-hater Jimmy Carter congratulates "moderate" Arab Muslim terrorist Mahmoud Abbas on his rigged election victory - Carter called George Bush's 2000 White House victory fraudulent but judged the PLO terrorist election "fair" even though all candidates in opposition to Abbas were threatened with murder if they did not withdraw from the race