Thursday, December 20, 2007


Karl Rove Worried About Ron Paul "Momentum"
Bush's brain fears "bandwagon effect" could trump national recognition in early Republican primaries

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Without mentioning his name, Karl Rove made it clear during a recent appearance on Hannity and Colmes that he is worried about people jumping on a bandwagon and supporting a candidate who picks up momentum as a result of the early Republican primaries being bunched together tightly.

Since Rove had already discussed the other Republican candidates in the Fox News piece, he could only have been referring to Congressman Ron Paul.

The man who was dubbed "the architect" and "Bush's brain" told Hannity he was concerned that the thick and fast style of the early primaries would hinder Americans from making a "more considered judgment," increasing the likelihood of a "bandwagon effect" overcoming "national reputation."

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