Saturday, August 12, 2006

Olmert Should Resign Now

The Worst Government in the History of Israel
By Naomi Ragen August 12, 2006

We finished a quiet Sabbath in the relative safety of Jerusalem, only to check the news and find out the heartbreaking news that seven more Israeli soldiers have been killed and
eight-four injured in the worst-led war in Israel's history. [The number of dead and injured has since risen.--ii]

In addition, the government which interfered with the military (i.e.go win the war without upsetting CNN and the BBC), imposing guidelines that have helped get not only our boys killed left and right, but our civilians as well, has now decided to accept a Security Council resolution which ensures that Israel's soldiers and her people have made their ultimate sacrifice for nothing: our kidnapped soldiers will not be returned. Hezbollah will not be disarmed. And Israeli forces will be replaced by some U.N. force and a bunch of European anti-Semites who will allow Hezbollah to rearm.

The full text of the resolution has been published in YNET. So far, 1,784 Israelis have responded in its talkback. The overwhelming majority say something like this:

We went to war to free our kidnapped soldiers. Why aren't they mentioned?
For shame. Olmert, Peretz, Halutz, the triumvirate of losers.

Let me add this: Mr. Olmert, Mr. Peretz, Mr. Halutz: You have squandered the lives of our soldiers. You have squandered our opportunity to free the nation of Israel from a deadly enemy. You have set the stage for the next war.

By September, we will be under attack once more. Do the decent thing: Resign, all of you, and let Mr. Netanyahu and General Ya'alon (who was kicked out because he refused to go along with the disengagement) take over.

Resign, Mr. Olmert. Resign in shame for your incompetence. Your inability to carry out a single one of the objectives you so stirringly announced at the beginning of this war. With all
of you and your incompetent Kadima-led government out of office, we will all be safer and better prepared when the rockets start to fall once again, as they inevitably will with the U.N. and the French guarding our borders.

And if you won't do the honorable thing, we will do everything we can to get you fired. You make me sick. I am ashamed to be a citizen of my country under your leadership. I am appalled to have a son in the IDF under your leadership.

For shame, for shame, for shame!

Views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of israelinsider.

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