Sunday, July 29, 2007


Monday, April 11, 2005

Everyone, Hold on to your Seat!

אתה תקום תרחם ציון, כי עת לחננה כי בא מועד. כי רצו עבדיך את אבניה, ואת עפרה יחננו

You will rise up and show Tzion mercy, for it is time to favor her, that the appointed moment has come. For your servants have desired her stones, and favored her dust.

מהר אהוב כי בא מועד
Hurry my beloved, for the appointed moment has

Pesach of the final REDEMPTION!!

Everyone, it is now time to pray and clean out the leaven. Rav Mordechai Eliyahu has introduced a Tzaddik to the world who has informed us that the Geulah (the final redemption) will begin during this Holy month. The process is not known until it becomes history. But as Gog? W. Bush tries to carry out his evil scheme to divide the Holy City, the resting place of the Divine Presence of the Almighty, everything that is written in the words of our holy prophets will be fulfilled.
As of time, on the third of Nissan 5765, details are still sketchy. But the undeniable video is a reality. . Now I can finally write my essay about the cosmic clock. This very well may be the Year of Pesach. Just a piece:

All of world history is a cosmic travel from Pesach to Sukkot (Tabernacles). The first Temple corresponded with Pesach. The Second Temple corresponded with Shavuot (The Feast of Weeks). The final Temple will correspond with Sukkot (Tabernacles). Because of our sin of internecine causeless hatred, the divine presence could not come down into the Second Temple. The 420 years that it stood plus the 70 years that Yerushalayim was barren between the Temples add up to 490 years.

There are 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot. Each decade of the Second Temple period corresponded with one level of purity that we purify ourselves during the 49 day period between Pesach and Shavuot. Because of our disunity, the Divine Presence could not descend into the Holy of Holies and reside at the end of 490 years. Therefore the Talmud tells us that the red thread that was tied between the horns of the goat that went to Azezel did not turn white for the last 40 years before the Second Temple was destroyed.

On the day of the Second Temples destruction, the 9th of Av, instead of welcoming the Divine Presence's descent into the Second Temple, we entered the year of the 17th of Tamuz. You see every year for that last 40 years when the sins of the nation were not forgiven on Yom Kippur was like one day between Shavuot and the 17th of Tamuz, the day that the desert generation worshiped the golden calf.

From here we are told by the Gemarrah in Megilah that Esau would rule the world in 300 year cycles.

"There are 300 princes of Edom in Germany and 365 in Rome. "
Everyday to paraphrase the Gemarrah one prince of Germany is united with one prince of Rome. Amalek, the force for greatest evil in the world, is held back from taking over the world because of Germany's internal disunity and its lack of an alliance with the papacy in Rome. For if the two ever united, Amalek would go forth to destroy the world.

Of course the first time this happened was in the 1930s. Until the 1870s under Bismark Germany was a patchwork of 300 fiefdoms. Yet, a united Germany did not sign a treaty of unity with the Catholic Church and Italy until the 1930s. Remember in WWI Germany and Italy were on the opposite sides of that war. Yet, the only treaties that Hitler never broke was the ones he signed with Italy and the Pope.

According to the Great Rebukes to be found in both Leviticus and Deuteronomy, Israel was to be chased in seven different directions until Israel became a byword amongst the nations. After the destruction of the first Temple, each different direction was supposed to last 370 years. Yet our great advocate, Daniel while he was a courtier in the court of Nebuchadnezzer prayed that 70 of those years, since they corresponded to the Sabbatical years which Israel did not properly keep, would correspond to the 70 intervening years between the first and second Temple. Israel would not need to suffer for the six intervening years during which the Shmittah(letting the land lie ownerless in the seventh year) was not required to be kept.

Therefore, he was able to convince the Almighty to allow Israel to get its act together for 6x70 = 420 years. Sadly, Israel did not get its act together during that period of time. Yet, even after this deal, six 300 year cycles corresponding to the Gemarrah in Megillah were decreed on the Jewish people while Rome and its descendents ruled. Here Esau's name is written out in history. The Ayin in Esau's name is the 70 years between the destruction to the 2nd Temple and the crushing of the Bar Kochba Revolt in the year 135 plus five more years of chasing Jewish rebels around the Holy Land until they were hunted down.

The last was Rabbi Akiva, who died a martyrs death around the year 140 ce., 70 years after the destruction of the Second Temple. As a matter of fact this 70 year period is also known as the period of the ten who were destroyed for the purification of malchut (kingship). There would be at least ten martyrs for each of the kabbalistic Sefirot (spiritual dimensions on which the lower worlds are built) from malchut to chesed (lovingkindness). Each sefirah would correspond with the six remaining 300 year destructions, the letter Sin in Esau's name.

The years 140-440 would purify the sefirah of Yesod (foundation). The years 440-740 would purify the sefirah of Hod (glory). The years 740-1040 would purify the sefirah of Netzach (eternity). The years 1040 through 1340 would purify the sefirah of T'phereth (charisma). Ther years 1340 - 1640 would purify the sefirah of Gevurah (might or strict judgment). And finally the years 1640 -1940 would purify the sefirah of Chesed (lovingkindness).

Yet in order to make way for Israel's redemption the Cosmic Clock would need to start ticking. It had been stuck on the 17th of Tamuz since the year 70. The last and 7th Churban (destruction ) would need to correspond with the 9th of Av. There are 21 days between the 17th of Tamuz and the 9th of Av. There are 21 years between the end of WWI in 1918 and the beginning of WW2 in 1939. The Cosmic Clock started to tick again in 1918. The winds of cosmic change were so great that for the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple the majority of the world's Jews were no longer Shomer Shabbat (Sabbath observant).

The Chofetz Chaim and other Gedolim(Sages) including the Chazon Ish were asked why is it that children of Torah Scholars were now Bolshevicks? Does not the apple always fall close to the tree. The Gadol Hador answered,"not when the winds of cosmic change are blowing at gale force." Those winds of cosmic change started blowing with gale force in 1918.

Therefore if 1918 (5678) was the last year of the 17th of Tamuz, then 1931 (5691) was Rosh Chodesh Av (the first of Av). Within four years two Torah giants who were also descendants of Aharon died, Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan Hakohen a.k.a. the Chofetz Chaim and Rav Avraham Yitzchak hakohen Kook.) It is no accident that they passed away at a time which mirrored the passing of their ancestor who bequeathed to them the Crown of the Priesthood, Aharon Hakohen who passed away on the 1st of Av. (Kohen means Priest for G-dly service).

1939 (5699) was the 9th of Av. Hitler attacked Poland less than one month before the year 5700 which would have corresponded with the tenth of Av. On the tenth of each month the month is sealed for the spirit of judgment that each month manifests. Tamuz is often a conduit for divine wrath. Av is usually a conduit for divine consolation. Yet its seal is not applied until the tenth of Av. In a year when divine wrath is decreed the Satan will often start a process of destruction just before sundown on the ninth of the month of Av, for on the tenth no destruction can begin.

Yet, if the destruction begins on the ninth it is allowed to continue to the 15th of Av, when a second decree for divine consolation counters the original decree for destruction on the 9th, which is really a decree which began in Tamuz. Remember it is written and sealed for the entire year on the 1st and 10th of Tishrei respectively, and becomes physically manifest with the full moon. Physical manifestation for decrees from on high last seven days.

Therefore Sukkot lasts from the 15th until the 21st of Tishrei. The same pattern is observed in microcosm for each month. The spiritual decree is on the first. It is sealed on the tenth. And it becomes physically manifest on the 14th day for 29 day months and on the 15th day for 30 day months. The New Moon judgments determine our eternity while the full moon judgments determine our this worldly status.

Therefore if 5699 (1939) was the 9th of Av, then 5705 (1945) was Tu B'Av, an ancient festival celebrating the end of our destructions which regularly started with the 9th of Av. Here we also have the Vav in Esau's name, the six years of the Holocaust, 1940,41,42,43,44,45. At this point the clock keeps ticking, but to make my point, I will introduce the concept of the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic coexistent processes. Since we are now approaching the Sukkot period of world History, the redemption from 1945 onwards can and must be understood on two levels, the redemption of Israel which is tied most closely with Pesach and the redemption of Mankind which is tied most closely with Sukkot.

Therefore while on a Macrocosmic level 5705 marked the end of WW2 and can best be tied to the 15th of Av, microcosmically for Israel as a nation it was tied mostly with the 15th of Sh'vat, the New Year for tree fruits in the Land of Israel. It was time to come home.

Now I will speed up for this is just a survey of the Cosmic Clock. It is no accident before the great rebuke in Leviticus which speaks of Israel being chased in seven different directions, we read about the seven cycles of Shmittah (seven x seven year Sabbatical cycles where each seven year cycle ends with a Sabbath year for the Land of Israel) and then the Jubilee year. The Jubilee was the 50th year which had many of the same agricultural prohibitions of the Shmittah year with a few extra provisos.

One of them was that a Jewish slave was freed on Yom Kippur that year. And secondly, land which was rented out to a tenant farmer returned to its original owner. In both cases the Torah says that the land and its owners were to be returned to their possessions. Tashuvu L'achuzato תשבו, you will return to your former status as free men, and the your territorial inheritance will return to you from the tenant farmer. In both cases the word tashuvu is spelled tav, shin, bet, vav. The numerical value is 708.

After seven attempts at your annihilation, you would return in the year 708. 5708 was 1948. That year was chai (18th) b'av or chai b'shvat depending on our macrocosmic or microcosmic reference. 5720 -(1960) was Rosh Chodesh Elul/Adar. No wonder that just before the onset of this decade Rav Yoshe Ber Soleveitchik ztl wrote one of his classic works Kol Dodi Dofek, The Voice of My Beloved Knocks, in which he describes six ways that G-d was knocking after the Holocaust in order to bring our redemption.

This of course is based on the Song of Songs, the classic book of the bible that most represents the month of Elul, for it is related to the acronym, Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li (I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me.) In Hebrew this classic Song of Songs verse in the acronym spells out Elul. 5727 (1967) of course was the 7th of Adar/Elul. The 7th of Adar was Moshe Rabbeinu's day of death. The last place he saw while standing on Mt Nebo across the Jordan was the part of the Land of Israel that was closest to where he was standing, Judea and Samaria.

It is no accident that 5727 was the year of the Six Day War which brought Israel's border to the Jordan River. 5734 (Fall of 1973) was of course Purim (14th Adar). It is no accident that that was the year of the Yom Kippur War, the war which was a day like Purim as our sages would put it.

5750 (1990) and 5751 (1991) correspond with Rosh Hashana and Rosh Chodesh Nissan respectively. Since these are New Years, one would expect that because of these two years the world would change forever. The Vilna Gaon even tells us that. He said that 3/4 of the way through the Sixth Millennium would be like 3/4 of the way through the Sixth day of the week. Since the day begins at sundown, 3/4 through Friday takes us to high noon, when shofar blowers in ancient times ascended the hills of the Land of Israel to blow the shofar to call Israel in from their fields to prepare for Shabbat, the 7th millennium. And a great shofar blast (a Tekiah) was blown in heaven, and in came Jews who got lost in the Land of Ashur, were absorbed by the Turkish tribe called the Khazars, 1200 years later reconverted back to Judaism, and were eventually absorbed by the expanding Russian empire when Khazaria was destroyed in 1243 ce.

In came the castaways that Sencheriv no longer needed as porters in Egypt. Where did he push them? into Ethiopia, of course, beyond the Sanbat River, the source of the Blue Nile in Gondar Province, which rushes wildly all week so that it cannot be crossed. But on Shabbat when they cannot leave their villages, the Sanbat River rested. There these castaways were absorbed by an existing Jewish community from 200 years earlier, when Menelik the First, the son of Solomon and the Queen of Shwa went back to live in his father's palace in Yerushalayim.

Solomon's death Menelik returned to Shwa with emissaries from the Tribe of Dan and converted the entire royal household to Judaism. The porters for Senchariv's War against Egypt were no longer needed. Remnants of Dan, Naftali, and Asher were sent packing southward like castaways into Ethiopia. Unlike their Northern Kingdom brothers who were lost in the land of Ashur, the castaways from Egypt were absorbed into an existing Jewish community in Ethiopia. They may have been lost to the rest of the Jewish world for over 2000 years, but in Ethiopia they were with fellow Jews beyond the River Sambatyon. In 5751, on Shabbat, 14,000 Jews came home as they crossed the placid waters of the Sanbat in the greatest airlift of human cargo of all time.

Operation Solomon was a crowning success to kick off the period of history called the Ingathering of the Exiles. In the course of just five years one million Jews came home. (Sadly because of policies of a virulently secular Israeli government, a quarter of a million gentiles who did not necessarily love the Holy Land joined in on the mass influx.) Of course just to let us know that 5751 was Rosh Hashana, and the beginning of the last quarter of the 6th Millennium, 39 scuds fell on the Land of Israel to prepare the nation for the time that will always be Shabbat. ( There are 39 major categories of prohibited activity on the Shabbat.)

At this point we entered the Ten Years of Awe between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur (or between Rosh Chodesh Nissan and the tenth of Nissan when we prepared for the redemption from Egypt). For a while it was unclear which was the first day of Tishrei (5750 or 5751). This is so because Elul according to the Torah, like any other month can have 29 or 30 days. If it had 29 days as is the case in our long exile, then the first of Tishrei would be 5750. If on the other hand, Elul had 30 days the first of Tishrei would be 5751.

In short both 5750 and 5751 were years of Rosh Hashana/ Rosh Chodesh Nissan, but how many years there would be to Yom Kippur, eight or nine years, was not known by the author of this blog at that time. I would need to wait. Looking back, I should have known. For in a Nissan which is preceded by 29 days in Adar, Rosh Chodesh only lasts for one day. Here since there were two miraculous years, I should have assumed that there were two days of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, meaning that 5750 was the 30th of Adar/Elul and 5751 was the first of Nissan and the first of Tishrei. 5760(Y2K) was therefore Yom Kippur/10th of Nissan.

At the very end of that year the Al Aksa intafada began, for the entire world had been immersed in a kosher mikva since there are 5760 egg volumes of water in a kosher mikvah. From this point onwards the world was being sweetened for judgment. So let me see. There are four intervening days between Yom Kippur/10th of Nissan until Sukkot and Pesach (5761,5762, 5763, 5764) COULD THIS REALLY BE THE YEAR OF SUKKOT/PESACH!!!!

Again, MAHER EHOV KI BA MOED! (Hurry up my beloved, for the appointed moment has arrived!!) God willing we are not stuck on Yom Kippur like we were on the 17th of Tamuz.
A HAPPY and KOSHER Pesach to all, and to all a ....
posted by Dov Bar-Leib at 4/11/2005 11:22:00 PM

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